If you reached this page, you probably tried to send email to a MagicMail server, and it was blocked.
Not all mail servers are as flexible as MagicMail, but it is important to understand.
MagicMail allows the user more control. And study after study has shown that giving the users more control reduces call complaints, and increase customer loyalty. And this is very important when it comes to email. Users want efficient email systems. MagicMail allows the user to block messages before they enter the mail server.
If you received this message, it is probably because the user does not want messages from you. Now, of course.. mistakes can happen. Maybe the person you tried to send to accidentally was overzealous. Or maybe it may be a problem with YOUR email provider.
Well, simple. If you know them, ask them to "whitelist" your address, it will get through then. Or, if you don't know them, maybe that is why they are blocking you :)
Well, if you read this far, you are trying hard, so maybe it might be a mistake. So, we can let you in on
a little secret. The error message you received is worded slightly different when you are blocked for different
reasons. All messages will have a line that starts with:
"This user/server will not accept messages from.."
The rest of the message will give you the reason.
Remember, the user gets the right to choose what they receive, and this trumps your right to send messages to them. If you would like this power, ask your email provider why they aren't using MagicMail.